Property Listings Data from Hometrack

Get a complete set of Zoopla property listings data, supporting insight-driven decision-making for property professionals.

Our Property Listings Data brings you the most complete set of property listings data available. 

Using our sister company Zoopla’s high-quality listings information, our Property Listings Data is available in easy-to-use batch file formats. 

Why you should choose Property Listings Data from Hometrack

  • Data tailored to your specific requirements
  • Geographical splits available
  • Flexible solutions, with one-off purchases and monthly subscriptions available
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The widest range of property listings data available

As well as offering a wide range of geographical parameters, our Property Listings Data can also be used to derive information on:

  • Asking prices 
  • Number of price reductions
  • Size of price reductions 
  • Rental yields
  • New listings
  • Available stock 
  • Sales Agreed
  • Time on market 
  • Core property attributes
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Data for a wide range of sectors

Our Property Listings Data has a wide range of uses across the property industry. As well as providing valuable insight to lenders, it’s key for decision-making for developers and investors. 

It also offers vital information for those outside the sector, including utility companies, insurance providers and fintech. 

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More about us

We’re the UK’s leading provider of mortgage valuation and decisioning solutions. 

Relied on by over 80% of the UK’s leading lenders, we provide unrivalled accuracy and data understanding.

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