To realise the maximum value from your investments and manage risk, get access to independent, objective, high-quality market information.
Our site-specific analysis underpins decision making for investors – from entering a local rental market to purchasing a site or a property.
Our detailed reports give you fast, cost-effective access to local market information.
Trust us for accurate, up-to-date information on the value or performance of your portfolios.
Our fast, cost-effective service lets you measure your portfolio against the latest insights – including open market capital, rental values and other local market metrics.
Value your portfolio, asset by asset, for informed decision-making.
To develop effective strategies, you need fast, easy access to the latest market intelligence on capital values, rents, new supply and affordability.
Dashboard tracks 20 key market metrics at local market level, so you can quickly compare areas or benchmark local performance.
For analysts who need to drill down further, housing intelligence puts over 250 property datasets at your fingertips.
Talk to us about bespoke market analytics to help your team develop strategies and forecasts, monitor market trends, raise funds and brief investors.