Home and rental comparables data from Hometrack

Quality rental and home comparables data delivered via API from the UK’s leading AVM and automation decisioning solution provider

What data is available as part of Hometrack’s comparables API?

Our data is the most complete set of home and rental comparables information available on the market, bringing together data from a range of Hometrack and Zoopla sources. 

It covers a breadth of property information, including: 

  • Property attributes
  • Property subtype 
  • Year built
  • Tenure
  • Floor area
  • Valuations data, including last sale date and amount, and current value
  • Energy performance

Three API endpoints are available, meaning home and rental comparables can be delivered either through UPRN look-up, map vector tiles or geo searches.

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Why you should choose comparables data from Hometrack

Our comparables data comes with the same level of accuracy that all Hometrack property market solutions are known for – with the added advantage of being regularly updated.

Perfect for prop-tech companies, property investors, estate agents and housing associations, our comparables data is the most comprehensive data set of its kind available. 

And with tiered pricing tailored to your usage, it’s the perfect match, whatever the size and scale of your property business.

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Hometrack – the UK’s leading automated valuation provider

Part of the Houseful group of brands, our expertise in valuation automation is unrivalled. 

18 out of 20 of the UK’s top lenders use our data and insight to power greater mortgage automation. 

Now’s the time to bring this power to your business with our comparables data.

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